Higher than 80 percent win rate for the past 15+ years!
Whether in life or government contracting, sometimes you just cannot do it alone. Government contracting is not without its complexities, however, with the right team of experts to help you navigate, it is a highly lucrative market. With our understanding of the SEWP Program Office and in-depth knowledge of successful programmatic marketing strategies, our team is your go-to for SEWP VI success.

Our team of experts provide:
An active sounding board as you are developing win themes
Strategic advice on the right mix of tactics in your pre-programmatic marketing strategy
Proposal best practices
Guidance on teaming and partner development
Our "Need to Know" Webinar Series
We’re doing all the research, so you don’t have to! This multi-part webinar series will get you the timely and actionable information you need to prepare for SEWP VI.
On Demand:
Lessons Learned from SEWP Contracts and the Customer POV
During part one of this series, our experts will be digging into the key lessons learned from SEWP contracts over the years, effective marketing strategies applied by current contract holders and the importance of partnerships.
Register to learn how these insights can help you get prepared.
On Demand:
SEWP VI Strategy: What You Need to be Doing Now
During part two of this series, our experts will be sharing what you need to be doing NOW to ensure you are ready to rock once that RFP drops.
Register to learn key takeaways from industry days, brand awareness and marketing strategy must haves, and more!